I have a sense of a job well done. Despite the precarious situation caused globally by the pandemic, the year 2021 was marked by continuous development at S5 – said Sveinung Gehrken, CEO at S5.

Last year was absolutely transformative and led S5’s revenue to grow by 41%. We established a new office in Stockholm and in 2022 we will have more focus on operations in Sweden. In the upcoming years, we also expect further progress in the Finnish market. But this is not only about revenue and geography! In 2021, S5 onboarded fantastic people (Head Office Norway Employment growth – 14,8%), specializing in different fields. Moreover, we gained new team members responsible for putting plans into effect! We have a new CEO responsible for our office in Sweden (more information will follow) and Mathias Cook has joined as Head of Sales & Marketing. Welcome to you both!