Let’s make your change management a breeze with an app
that works like you do and where you do!

BlueWorx works like you do, where you do – on iOS tablets and phones 10+,
Android tablets and phones 6.0+, Windows 10, HTML5 compliant browsers.

BlueWorx allows your business to:

Easy to use, comprehensive and affordable solution for mobilizing SAP Plant Maintenance, developed using the Neptune Software platform within SAP. Check how BlueWorx has transformed Mobile Asset Management at the Department of Conservation in New Zealand.

Easy to use, comprehensive and affordable solution for mobilizing SAP Plant Maintenance, developed using the Neptune Software platform within SAP. Check how BlueWorx has transformed Mobile Asset Management at the Department of Conservation in New Zealand.

Technical Highlights:

Create an SAP Work Order with BlueWorx

Create SAP Notifications with BlueWorx

Check all the possibilities the solution brings and book a meeting with us!